Desire paths but this is a weird one and this sidewalk just dead ends and doesn't connect with the other one. I assume that they are going to do something about it when they put in the lights to the left (not a crosswalk as I had initially thought but a set of lights)
A lone man on the steps of the Legislature protesting I think WCB but I didn't want to be rude and snap a full on front pic
Food trucks that are not as cool as Pimp My Rice but I do want to go to the the Tokyo Rabbit with my Japanese friend so I can get the low down on whether it is the real deal or not
Falafel Queen, I like their falafel eating fries
Husbie was working downtown really close to the poutine store so I offered to walk over and grab him some lunch. Smoke's cares about boobs!
They always have a limited time poutine, during Fringe it was a lamb gyro one which I sadly didn't get to try because they were sold out of the lamb meat by the time I ordered. Alas the current limited time poutine, SLAUGHTERHOUSE POUTINE! Vegans beware, it's tasty death in a box.
I personally didn't order the slaughter house WHICH when the order is up they ring a massive cowbell telling you your order is up instead of the usual yell out your number method. The guy in front of me ordered it and I politely asked him if I could photograph his lunch. He obliged (but not before he soiled it with ketchup...why?!) and said it weighed about 2 pounds. It smelled ah-maz-ing
Randomness...I love the layers of colors and paper, brown shiny tape, grey dirty scuffed metal
Husbie with his bacon poutine in his sexy dirty coveralls
Then K.P and I went to sneak peak sale at Design Manitoba's warehouse which is a bunch of fancy schmancy furniture since K.P was in the market for a new couch for her swanky new apartment. On the walk there we encountered a nude mannequin bum, oh my!
A pimpin' El Camino. K.P did not agree that it was pimpim'
Apparently the cats were the first ones to the warehouse sale. Kitty evidence on a piece of furniture.
The piece I liked the most in the whole place
Until I saw this. Of course it was sold. It was a massive purple (the color is not coming through in this picture) lounge chair. Yes, that is my yoga stuff propped against the chair. I went right from the sale to yoga!
A sea of pricey swanky furniture
Early morning walk to yoga. If you have been wondering where I have been, Moksha yoga has stolen my heart. I go everyday if not twice a day. Gettin' my inner peace on! I like the contrast of brights and greys in these 2 pictures.
IKEA! People are just going crazy for this. I swear people haven't been this excited since Walmart came here when I was in the 6th grade. Other people are equally as excited (and they should be) for Target which will be here in 2 years.
Panda bear panda bear, what do you see?
Breaking ground on the massive Shoppers. Drilling holes and putting in piles
The side entrance to the parking lot from hell is going to cut off completely when the renos are done which I think is a good thing as I avoid driving and even walking through that parking lot if at all possible.
The parking lot from hell
I love how from far back all construction guys look the same
Awwwww yeah! Highly dangerous
MY BIKE! FINALLY! I don't want to admit that the last time that Drake and I had a date was when Miss Em was still in town like 3 weeks ago. I told you, yoga has consumed me!
We were lulu hoodied up, it wasn't cold but cool-ish, fall is here!
The precious Bunny Man! I have found another! That makes 3. He is probably my favourite of all street art
I braked hard for this and yelled for K.P to stop... "I would love the flowers but I'm dead" - Mr.Ghoulie. Poor Mr.Ghoulie
A political statement...1984 is now
Another dumpster on a dumpster and this dumpster on a dumpster has been tagged...awesome
They have started to deliver the individual house garbage and recycling bins and that was initially why I took the picture but then when I looked at it I was struck by how odd the picture actually is. That is a really massive old house and if you air brushed out the high rises this could be a scene from a farm or something. There are so many contrasting layers all over my area. New meets the century old at every turn.
I told K.P I wanted to photograph the last of the flowers in bloom then we happened upon this lovely scene complete with large creepy vines
Beautiful curly wrought iron staircase
2 bunnies in the fading day light
Vivid green
Sunlight through the hole
A fly...
...but it was only the fly's shadow, he was on the other side of the leaf
Random and accidental but total love
If a hedgehog and a corndog had a baby...I call it a cornhog!
Taking pictures of bees
BEE! I thanked the bee for basically keeping our species alive
K.P muscling off some more wooden art
I wanted this box but K.P didn't have her bunjees with her. Love the wood, love the graphics, love the Euro flair...Helsinki is just plain fun to say
I now know why everyone wears those stupid hipster shoes. They are stupidly comfortable. I am hoping it gets cold enough to start wearing my Uggs before I talk myself into buying a pair of red ones.
APPLE! Our searches yield little success but this tiny gem was so delicious and perfect
NUM in the fall leaves
Lonewolf on stone...tsk tsk
Creepy bunny thing
Like a free for all on the back of this sign, at least 5 different people represented here
I think Miss Em took a picture of this when she was in town but I love how it has been painted over and become part of it
I almost peed myself when I saw this. These are on "shiny" labels done in marker. The last ones were more of a papery label done in pencil which is obviously a much less permanent medium. Is this the artist's attempt at trying to make more permanent pieces? Either way I was delighted and they are only about a week old based on my travels.
I think that these are from the same artist that did this label which I have stuck on my fridge
Random street art
I walked down the RiverWalk and spied a new painted white and black wooden piece, this is the third I have found. My local artist's have been busy! I love it
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