Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Epic Slacker

I've slacking...and funking and certainly not riding my bike or painting my nails. I got called a slacker by more than one person for neglecting this old blog (do you remember that show This Old House with Bob Vila? I loved that show) so I need to be more conscious about being on that. Here is the lot with Vi-Ann gone and Movie Village waiting to go.

This shot was taken the last time I rode Drake almost 2 weeks ago. I'm sorry my bike boo. I am also certain this is very illegal and very unsafe as the river is pretty heavy with boat traffic around this area.

I found this scratch ticket while I was out that night too, I had high hopes I was going to be a zillionaire!! When we buy scratch tickets Husbie usually buys these ones and wins. These ones have the best odds of all of them.

Oh no, I suck again!

This is from the last night I hung out with Miss Em before she left. We were hiding because it was pouring rain and I had gotten a spray tan just hours before (can't get a spray tan wet right after or you end up blotchy!)

Others waiting for the rain to pass

Weird berry things. All the trees are starting to drop their goods, fall is on the way!

Movie Village...gone. I wish I would have hauled my cookies out of doors when Husbie texted me saying that the roof was open and the excavator was sitting inside the shell of Movie Village. That would have been a great picture, but alas...the funk.

Same lot taken from the parking lot side. The lot has since been completely cleared of debris and taken down to dug up dirt. Rumor has it they want to have the exterior construction done by December.

Speaking of construction. The bridge is open! Back to 2 way traffic. The sidewalk is still closed but they almost done. They put up this railing right by our parking lot. I am hoping that the bridge will be open 2 way foot traffic this week.

We went on a lovely long weekend fall walk. All of the pictures in this post were taken on the baby camera. The big mama jama has a thick layer of dust and neglect on it. Ignore that...TINY GOURD!

There are mad spider burrows everywhere! I got in real close to get this dude then he scurried away.

The extent of his home

Finally! My redemption shot. I have been trying to get this shot every time I walk by. I should perhaps have picked a better bunch without a withered berry but I am pleased.

Another dude

Acorns and acorn hats on the road

We passed by the Catholic church and this was all laid out in front of this bronze man.

KRAFT DINNER! For all you yankies that is Canadian for mac n' cheese.

It's hard to take pictures of berries in trees!

Cute dudes on the hand soap at the drug store

Oh hello handsome married (hard to see his ring but it's there!) camera man who was randomly taking pictures. This is the male version of me.

Another gorgeous walk a day later, more spider burrows, this one was awesome and a great use of existing space.

NUM under the bridge

These are relatively new. "WHEN GOD GIVES YOU LEMONS, YOU FIND A NEW GOD!"

I feel like the person who did these also does crossfit as I know a certain very buff lady who would agree with the fact that above parallel squats are for pussies. AC is a CF rockstar! Funny thing about this...K.P texted me a picture about 6 hours after I took this one. Her picture was of her holding this exact wooden panel in her apartment. She found it shortly after I did and got her fiance (yup, they is engaged!) to man pry it off what it was nailed to. Great minds K.P!

Together as one installation 

More painted wood goodness. I am getting inspired by all of this...and I own a hammer!

CICLOVIA! I own a bike this year. I am dying to get out for this on the weekend at least for the night light bike ride. I am sure I can con K.P into going.

A postered pole, a signature of mah hood

Like my new shoes? They are those hipster shoes that are all the rage. Think these ones might be knock offs given the price I paid for them but they are indistinguishable from real ones so I don't give a fig. My Uggs are fake too!

I would love to go to this talk but I am refraining from committing to anything long term and October 1st is in the realm of long term at the moment.

At first I thought this little cutie had been abandoned but when I got closer I saw and smelled that it was just hanging out on the dumpster to dry. It has been given a spiffy 50's seafoam green make over. Very cute.

Missed this

I found out what this was last week and ever since I have been seeing them everywhere! They are called "desire paths". I am in love with them.

LOVE! This wrought iron fence is really old and locally made. It's super hard to see since this fence has been painted many times but you can just makeout Manitoba at the top.

Luckily I have a massive stash of pictures and live in a place where not all the old wrought iron has been scrapped. Here is a lovely aged, unpainted version of the placard.

 Random sticker art

9 foot tall sunflowers on the walk to K.P's super swanky new apartment.

A perfect backlane

MOAR SPIDERS! I might be obsessed

Saw this on the walk home from hot yoga. My studio had a sweeeet September deal that I could not pass up so I am getting' down with my inner peace while sweating my ass off with 50 of my closest friends.

Newest member of our family! Baby the rat. I love her, she is sweetie boo cuddle lover.

My newest "plant". I discovered this onion in the pantry about a week ago, it was half a tall as it is now but I want to see how big it will get before it starts to rot.

 Blurry, crappy hand picture for scale, it's huge! Look at how short my nails are! They just keep breaking.

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