The husband is also doing great. He said he felt waaaaay better yesterday than he did the previous days. We were also kinda busy yesterday so I think that helps...keeping distracted and occupied. He did have a moment the other day where he zoned out laying on the kitchen floor dreaming of eating a Mars bar. I don't tell you this to embarass him but rather to show that those feelings are totally normal, totally totally normal but I would suggest to anyone that you try to not indulge in mentally eating those things because I think that is putting undo stress on your body. Focus on all the tasty, fresh wonderful things you can eat and how great you are for committing to yourself. GO YOU!
Speaking of the husbie...he got a haircut! I know, NBD...a hair cut woo...but he has been shaving his own head for a long time but then decided to grow it out (yay!). His shaggy do as well as his fucking spectacular beard (no sarcasm, he has a fucking amazing beard that he also stopped trimming without any complaints from me. I am full beard lover. I LOVE Phil from Duck Dynasty) were quite long. Then my LPC posted a link on her FB of the most gorgeous man I have seen in awhile, Ricki Hall click HERE if you have a functional vagina and love a smokin' hot guy with tats and a beard I promise it does not disappoint. The timing was so perfect. This was the reason the husband had been growing his hair out right? No matter this was the haircut! We went to see our lovely and talented hairdresser. I completely trust her and she has never done me wrong especially since I see her about once a year and it is usually to go from one extreme to the other (blonde to brunette or vice versa).
Before hair and the adorable Amy
After hair! Keep in mind if you check out the link above, that husbie's hair is much shorter than that dude but Amy hooked it up so all he has to do is just keep growing it out and it will get to where
Dinner! Leftover sweet potatoes...we always have diced baked sweet potato in the fridge for mega easy laziness, stir-fried veggies fried in bone broth (yummo!) and a grass-fed, local, non-creepy bison rib eye steak. Paleo deliciousness.
NOM!! And fyi, it's fucking hard to BBQ a steak perfectly in -25C weather, a hundred feet in the air, with a headwind in dark but I am fucking PRO (yup, I do 100% of the meat grilling in this house) Look at that gorgeous meat!
We spent some time cracking some nuts. For some reason the hazelnuts in the shell spoke to me at the grocery store so I bought em. The last time something spoke to me at the grocery store I bought a 9kg box of B.C peaches. We actually have no nutcracker but we do have a very sweet older neighbour lady who I knew would have something, so I asked and received not 1 but 2 nutcrackers to borrow. The first one her husband made a long time ago. I prompted bashed my knuckles on the first attempt using this one, note to self: move hand closer to fulcrum.
The second one was a really really old vintage one that I bet was handed down to my neighbour from her mama. Larry liked this one a lot. We sat happily on the kitchen floor cracking much fun. Get a big ass bag of in the shell nuts and go to town. We were both really disappointed when the bag was empty. I also think that was the first time I have ever manually cracked nuts. It's the simple things in life people.
MOAR TEAS! I am officially on a tea buying ban and I am ok with that because I scored some good ones. The store I went to yesterday for spices had a huge selection of teas all displayed right above the spices so I did some quick label reading and was disappointed by a few but came away with some good ones.
Officially I hate mango (and papaya, guava, and passionfruit) but this was the only Celestial Seasonings fruit herbal tea that DID NOT contain soy. All of the 4 others in the store contained soy. Thank god for mandatory labeling. I bought it hoping the berry would blend good with the mango. I was right...this tea is the shizit! You can't taste the mango thank god! Uber fruity and I think it would almost be better cold. This is my fav tea ATM.
Sleepy time vanilla which is ok. I am also not a fan of chamomile, I just don't enjoy the taste. Mixed with the vanilla it was ok but I doubt I will get it again. The berry mango one I will for sure get again
And a cranberry pom one which seemed festive to me (all their real festive teas were non-compliant) but I have yet to try it. I am very content now with our ample compliant tea stash. We are both big tea drinkers and I think that the herbal teas are really helping Husbie with his Whole30. He is always sipping on a tea and reaches for one when he has a sugar craving. Iced caffeine free herbal teas are also good to give to tiny people especially if you have a juice addict (I never advocate giving children juice ever.)
Look at this lil' cutie that I made! My baddest bitches are all owl crazy right now...I caught owl fever!
"Officially I hate mango (and papaya, guava, and passionfruit)" DITTO! Had roasted pepper soup for lunch. It smelled like marijuana when I heated it up. Side eye is now being cast at me by some / being asked for recipe by others.