For lunch I got all Martha and put homemade pasta salad, chopped cucumber and farmer's sausage in a lettuce leaf and wrapped it up. Food blogger and photographer I am not.
The lettuce leaf on the right maintained its shape perfectly, so I put Mr.Mustard man in it (Mr.Mustard was a gift from me to the husbie years ago) He's so cute!
Delicious but in actuality super messy and I had to eat it like a ham-fisted cave woman....awww yeah klassy like.
It was super duper hot and humid today so I poo-pooed a walk during the hottest time of the day seeing as how we didn't have air conditioning last summer until about the end of July. So I had no problem sitting around in various states of undress with it cranked whilst I shivered. Photo does not convey the heat...almost 40 degrees or almost 100 for you Yankees
I headed out to the 'Tan after to get my bronze on and get to my hairs braided. Only a sick individual blow dries and straightens their hair in this horrible horrible humidity. I left Drake at home so I could do a little post-it note random art the elevator (all taken on the baby camera)
This one was gone by the time I came home a few hours later and it wasn't crumpled up and thrown on the floor...that makes me happy.
New signage posted at the 'Tan...the equivilent to the warning on a pack of smokes (YES I KNOW TANNING IS BAD FOR ME!)
I left a love note for my Sister Wife
I was cackling to myself as I put this one up. I KNOW I am not the only one who loves that song...and the Harvard baseball team...*swoon*...if you have no idea what I am talking about figure it out. I pondered leaving my real number for a moment but I live around a lot of crazies.
Random back lane goodness
I freaking love this one...this is OBVIOUSLY a smashed Bombay bottle, the bright blue glass caught my eye enough to make me squat down in front of a stinky dumpster...I love my gin!
This is new and I have seen it in at least 3 places so far. Spray painted graf stencil that says "hemna!" I have no clue what that means.
On a payphone it seemed even better.
On the liquor store.
I did this one inside the drug store. I am fairly certain the clerk person thought I was shoplifting something.
This one I stuck to the bank machine and tried to make the message funnier than preachy.
More random street goods
My friend's basil plants...purple basil!
A massive fallen branch/half a tree. I like how it is all pyloned off because it's on government property.
There was a perfect low dip for sitting...hello tiny braids, no makeup and fluffy humid baby hairs!
The final one I stuck in the elevator <3
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