In semi-splendid news husbie is home on spring break up (rig off season). It's so nice to have him home. I'm not one of those people that want their mate gone as much as possible. I love having him home with the beasts and I. We did some serious retail therapy which was awesome since we hadn't spoiled ourselves in a loooong time...hello purses and sunglasses and clothes OH MY! I also got a few of my fingers that I had kept under my hat until just now (sorry Mom!) and I have an appointment for the beginning of May which I am irrationally excited about. Husbie and I have also been "gauging up"...making our ears bigger. He had to take his tunnels out for work so he lost a lot of progress so we're using the time off to GO BIG!
I took a few pictures...not many...I have been neglecting my camera and it's still too fucking cold to be outside for extended periods (Mother Nature you c-bag).
My handsome devil with his new shades which he is in LOVE with, homemade earrings (corks and electrical tape y'all!) and his tiny beard which will have just gotten to glorious status by the time he has to shave it off again. Isn't he a hottie??
Faint blue cuties on a brick wall
My signature side angle shot
I have no idea whom this is supposed to be
BIKE RIDES! I shed a small tear as I took this picture
Husbie and I and the beasts went for a melty Saturday stroll to enjoy the tiny bit of moderately nice moon, I saw you standing a-lone!
Sick bike yo!
I had to squat in a massive puddle to take these dirty bike shots but they were worth it
Bunny ears what!?
Reppin' the 204!
Someone or someones built this cutie in my main park. He looked so jaunty and undestroyed
I walked through almost knee high snow in rubber boots to take that picture of the snowman. My rubber boots aren't cute zebra print or pink polka dots, they aren't fancy Hunter rubber boots which I have wanted for like 10 years. rubber boots are black and green mens Canadian Tire specials. They were abandoned and left behind in a pile of tree planting clothes after a camp move. I am a resourceful scavenger and they mostly fit. Hello free rubber boots!
This signage is rather new and I am interested to see if the city enforces this bi-law as all the parks in my neighbourhood become adult hang outs after dark. I recall a night last summer when we stumbled to this park at about 3:30am and it was packed with people swinging, laughing, chatting and finishing up the night's beers. This bi-law can suck it!
I love spring but also hate spring too. All the melting snow exposes dog shit and 6 months worth of garbage...gross a big chunk of the main part of the side walk was under ankle deep water. I walked this earlier in the day and had to do the sketchy balanced walk on the ice hump between the puddle and the road because I was wearing my Uggs. This time I was in rubbers (hehehe "rubbers") and laughed heartily at the chick who was doing the sketchy balanced walk in 5 inch heels....BAHAHAHA!
Come to Jesus y'all...he has a divine surprise to show you
A motoscooter outside the Mexican restaurant. I love the look of this little wanty!
The cool store that always has cool stuffs in the window. F.Y.I...Alice in Wonderland (the 60s Disney version not the horrid Tim Burton monstrosity) is one of if not my fav cartoon ever I still watch it frequently.
Eeeeeppp! Saucy bunless daredevil wiener
There was a dog in the window who refused to look at me, good thing he was cute!
I know I've taken this picture before but I just love it so much
Tiny cute bird house. I tried really really hard to not get that blue thing in the bottom left hand corner.
Random graffiti how I have missed you...and my favourite Chuck book!
We were waiting for a red light and this came out better than expected
Yucky shit birds
This is the epitomy of spring...a gross melting snowbank studded with garbage sprinkles...yuck
The new Shoppers! It's already open on the inside, they are doing all the brick work on the outside.
Anyone who sends their pet to the spa has more money than brains. Why do these places even exist? So freaking stoooopid!
I spy a tiny cute little man that left a smile on my face at the end of my walk :D
Happy Easter to all and to all a good night...nom a bunny ear or two for me and I promise to be more consistent with my posts...or not...whatevs.