For my birthday my mom's friend gave me this weird Glade candle thing. Do you have one of these? Have you seen them? We have no tv so I don't see any commercials so I thought this was the shittiest candle ever until I figured out what it actually was. I bought pine smelly refills so I can feel all festive and shit when my fake ass tree goes up (Dec.8th-31st is tree time).
I had to go food shopping which now involves going to like 6 different stores. I found my baby camera, looked through the pictures and saw that I forgot to share the goodness that is my fabulous meat store with y'all the other day.
A WALL OF MEAT. Only 2 of the products on the wall contain sugar! 2 out of all of them! I love that all the tags are hand written. This is local family business. They are friendly, helpful and I will gladly hand them fistfuls of money for their amazing meat
My sick meat haul...start with the farm fresh eggs, grass-fed bison rib eye, some kind of smoked meat, prosciutto, bones on the bottom, MASSIVE free range turkey breast, bison farmers sausage, more bones, bison pepperettes, grass-fed hormone free ground beef and bison and chicken livers. I actually had to stop myself from buying a massive 5lb bison heart that was the size of my head. I really wanted to buy it though.
I am obsessed with buying 3 things and always have a hard to not buying one I like. The first thing is to-go vessels. I am truly obsessed and will never have enough (I stopped myself from buying 3 different ones specifically made for loose tea yesterday). The other 2 things are chapstick and nail polish. More chapstick in the winter and nail polish in the summer. The last 3 chapsticks I have bought have been the little pot kind not the easy sleazy tube. I love Burt's Bees so I had to try their new medicated one (I love a medicated lip balm in the winter). Very loverly.
And I bought this, what I am calling a "pinch". It is literally perfect for the Breville since all the plates come out fucking scalding and we have really shitty oven mitts.
Speaking of the Breville. I have been without a microwave for over a week now and I am ready to post mine on Kijiji. The Breville does everything and more that a microwave does without all the creepiness of a microwave. I mostly used my microwave for reheating my coffee a zillion times a day but I don't drink coffee anymore so that made it easy to get rid of and after a week I figured out the fastest settings for reheating cold food (the broil setting if you were curious). I heat my bone broth on the stove in a tiny pan which works just fine and it warms as I prep my breakfast.
A quick dinner of leftovers (leftover turkey burger, fried "rice", spag squash) some quickly satueed broccoli and half a sad looking avocado. Mayo for the burger. I like how it looks like I am drinking the mayo. It is good enough to drink and that jar lasts a week. Check out the candle all melted down.
A little veggie prep after dinner. I riced up a whole head of cauliflower and froze it in one cup portions. I read on that if you freeze the rice, the freezing "cooks" it meaning you only have to defrost it and it's ready to go. My kinda easy.
"Yo man, you got that cauli?"
Can you guess what these are? Anyone?
These are my liver "pills" apparently some people chop up liver into tiny pieces them take them like pills. Honestly liver in a burger at 10% ratio is barely distinguishable and pretty tasty, but I had to try the liver "pills" route. And it actually works. No liver taste and easy pill ingestion if you want the benefits of organ meat without actually tasting it.
Be here tomorrow for BIG NEWS EVERYONE! And also listen to the song Thrift Shop by Macklemore ...sickest fucking beat I have heard in a long time it makes me smile BIG TIME...
"Imma take your grandpa's style, Imma take your grandpa's for real, ask your grandpa can have his handmedowns?"
" Oooo that Gucci that's so tight, I'm like yo that's $50 for a t-shirt.... I call that gettin' swindled and pimped, I call that gettin' tricked by business"